Magazine Brings the Nature Crisis Into Focus

The October issue of the Danish CXO Magazine puts the spotlight on the future of nature and what top leaders, politicians and experts will do to solve the nature crisis. Bo Normander from NaturTanken is among the eight people interviewed for the magazine, published by consultancy firm PwC.

Welcome to a New Website

NaturTanken – The Nature Tank Welcome to NaturTanken’s new website! 🙌 The old one was on its last legs, so now we’ve completely upgraded both design and content. NaturTanken is a small, independent consultancy that advises and communicates about nature and biodiversity. The ambition is to find solutions that support a healthy relationship between humans […]

Online Guide about Greenland’s Flora

Visit Greenland and NaturTanken have released a new, cromprehensive online guide on flora in Greenland. Greenland may not be known for its green areas, despite its name, but parts of the landscape contains plenty of interesting and beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers. The landscape is dominated by Arctic tundra, which lies desolate for large stretches […]

Book Release – Nature Guide Greenland

Nature Guide Greenland has been released! This new English translation of the nature guide is completely up-to-date with the latest research findings, travel guides, and practical information about Greenland – all aimed at an international audience. Learn more about the book and order it from the webshop on the Explore Nature With Bo website. The […]

Air Greenland Brings to the Spotlight Greenland’s Beautiful Nature

In the new issue of Air Greenland’s in-flight magazine, Suluk, the ‘splendor and force of nature’ is highlighted to the max in a 10-page feature article. The article is in English, Danish, as well as Greenlandic. The article features the Nature Guide Greenland, and Bo Normander tells, among other things, about the hard work of […]

International Assessment of Denmark’s First Nature National Parks

Bastemosen i Almindingen på Bornholm - Foto af Bo Normander

A group of Danish IUCN commission experts has assessed five of Denmark’s planned Nature National Parks according to IUCN’s guidelines for protected areas. The guidelines is used by the UN and the EU to assess whether individual countries achieve their targets for nature protection. Bastemosen, a mire area in the planned Nature National Park Almindingen […]

Assessment of the Danish Nature Fund’s Protected Areas

Marielyst Enge Jesper Evardsen

The Danish Nature Fund’s protected areas meet the international criteria for nature protection, developed by the world’s largest nature organisation, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This is highlighted in a new report prepared for the Danish Nature Fund (‘Den Danske Naturfond’) by a group of Danish IUCN commission experts. Our assessment of […]

Assessment of Denmark’s Marine Protected Areas in International Journal

The project team behind a Danish marine project has just published a scientific article in the journal PARKS, published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The article shows that only about 4.8% of Denmark’s total marine area is protected in accordance with the IUCN’s global standard for protected nature areas. The article […]

Greenland Website Winner of Webby Awards 2021

Visit Greenland has won the prestigious Webby Awards in the category ”Travel and Adventure”, where they were competing against strong candidates such as CNN and Tourism New Zealand.  Visit Greenland’s video “Future of travel in Greenland: flattening the curve of the coronavirus” was selected from 13,500 entries from 70 countries. In addition, Visit Greenland’s landing page “Dive deeper into Our […]